
Account Payable and Cash Management

Account Payable and Cash Management

The management is a very important to shape the purchase amount for clients. But it is likely to be difficult for clients to perform the work effectively, because the workload tends to be concentrated in a specific busy period of time every month.

CS Accounting assigns experienced staffs flexibly according to the workload and provides clients the best solution. We can provide the outsourcing over from full scope of the work to only a partial one depending on the needs of clients.

Flow chart ①
Flow chart ①

1. Account Payable management

  • Vender master maintenance
  • Purchase data entry
  • Matching delivery slips and invoices
  • Generating purchase reports for analytical use
  • Control of payment cycle
  • Account payable clearing
  • Installing account payable management system

2. Cash management

Payment through internet banking of clients

CS Accounting gets clients to create our user ID of the internet banking that they contract with the bank. We login internet banking and create payment data.
We perform from data-entry to wire-transfer, and clients perform approval to complete the payment through internet banking.

  • Payment of account payable and general expenses
    We get clients to send invoices by courier service or e-mail them in PDF format.
    We create payment data based on the amount in the invoices.
    We can handle both domestic transfer and overseas transfer.
  • Payment of employees' reimbursement expenses
    We get clients to send employee expense reports and the relevant receipts by courier service or e-mail them in PDF format.
    We check the amount in the expense reports with the one in the receipts.
    We create payment data based on the amount in the expense reports.
Flow chart ②
Flow chart ② Flow chart ②

Payment at the bank counter

CS Accounting provides this service to arrange the payment not to be paid through internet banking.
We prepare one bank account for our clients to deposit the fund.
The client remits the fund to the bank account for the payment.
Bringing the passbook and payment slips we go to the bank and arrange the payment at the bank counter.

  • Payment of various taxes by payment slip: corporate tax, consumption tax,
    withholding tax, fixed asset tax and other taxes.
  • Payment of utilities by payment slip: electric rate, telephone rate, water rate and other utilities.

Payment by rental bank account

It is likely to be difficult and troublesome for foreign affiliated companies to open a bank account here in Japan. CS Accounting provides this service mainly to help those foreign affiliated companies.
Using our bank account and internet banking, the client can start wire transfer immediately.

※The payment procedure will be performed as follows:

  • We open a bank account at The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ with our name that can be used by the client exclusively.
  • The client remits the fund to the bank account in advance and sends payment instruction and invoices to us by e-mail.
  • According to the client's instruction, we complete the payment through internet banking that we contracted with The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ.
  • We send the bank statement to the client by e-mail.
  • Referring to the bank statements the client can confirm the completion of the payment and the balance of the account.

Checking reimbursement expenses through workflow system of clients

CS Accounting helps a client approve the data of employees' reimbursement expenses through the workflow system of the client.
We get the client to create our user ID of the workflow system and install the exclusive terminals in our office.
The client's employees apply for reimbursement adjustment and their immediate superiors approve the data through the workflow system.
The client's employees send the expense reports and the relevant receipts to us directly by courier service from the several business bases.
We login the workflow system, check various items and approve the data through the workflow system.
The client performs final approval through the workflow system and creates payment data.

※The items to check will be as follows:

  • Route to the destination
  • Hotel charge, daily allowance and transportation expenses
  • Title of account
  • Consumption tax
  • Receipt
  • Comments and so on